of the shipping community, flag states and agencies from Gulf of Guinea
(GoG) gathered at the IMO Headquarters for a day-long symposium on
maritime security in the region.
The event, organised to highlight the continuing danger to seafarer in
the GoG, was co-sponsored by BIMCO, IMCA, ICS, ITF and OCIMF, featured
speakers from regional maritime agencies, as well as shipping officials,
academics and military staff.
In opening the symposium, Dr Grahaeme Henderson, Chair of the UK
Shipping Defence Advisory Committee and Vice President of Shell Shipping
& Maritime, said; “Simply put, the high level of piracy and armed
robbery attacks in the Gulf of Guinea is not acceptable. Yet it is
happening every day and this is not business as usual. We need to take
urgent action now.”
Concerns raised by industry were supported by figures from the IMB,
which showed that the number of attacks in the GoG region had doubled in
2018. There was also a marked increase towards kidnapping for ransom
and armed robbery incidents.
Piracy expert Prof Bertand Monnet, who has interviewed pirate gangs in
the Niger Delta, estimated that there were around 10 groups of pirates
that were responsible for the majority of attacks in the area, and they
were well organised and motivated.
Dr Dakuku Peterside, Director General and CEO of the Nigerian Maritime
Authority and Safety Agency (NIMASA),acknowledged the maritime security
risks present in the GoG, but stated that new initiatives underway to
improve the joint capacity of Nigerian law enforcement and Navy
capabilities could make seafarer kidnappings “history” within a matter
of months.
He went on to say that he is keen to improve international co-operation, particularly with the shipping industry.
Dr Peterside said;: "We have no option but to work together, but we
cannot have imposed solutions.” He also stated that "NIMASA and the
Nigerian Navy will also be hosting a Global Maritime Security Conference
in October to seek tailored short and long term solutions to strengthen
regional and international collaborations in the Gulf of Guinea."
The forum also included an interview led by Branko Berlan, the ITF
representative to the IMO, with a seafarer who had been attacked and
kidnapped in a recent incident. He said the attack appeared to be well
organised and led from ashore. “The first indication I had of the attack
was a knock on my cabin door and two men holding guns appeared.” He was
subsequently held in a camp onshore along with other members of his
crew until his release could be secured.
Other speakers at the event emphasised the region was starting to build
capacity and joint co-operation to fight maritime crime through the
Yaoundé Process, which focuses on joint co-operation across the region
for reporting and response. The international community is also
sponsoring long-term capacity building and partnerships.
However, the shipping industry, seafarer groups and flag states were
keen to identify actions that can have an immediate impact. For example,
delegates heard about recent Spanish Navy action to assist Equatorial
Guinea to rescue seafarers from a piracy attack last month, as well as
the new US programme to embark law enforcement officers on regional
vessels. Jakob Larsen, BIMCO’s Head of Security pointed out that
regional states needed to play their part as well.
“Nigerian piracy mainly affects a small geographical area of around 150
x 150 nautical miles. The problem can be solved easily and quickly,
especially if Nigeria partners with international navies. Nigeria holds
the key to solving this problem,” Larsen said.
The symposium was held in the lead-up to a series of meetings focused
on seafarer safety and security at the IMO. Concerns over increased
piracy in the GoG have resulted in several member states submitting
proposals that could help address the crisis.
According to Russell Pegg, OCIMF Security Adviser, “We are encouraging
all stakeholders to take a pro-active role on this issue and are working
with member states to support those proposals that could help mitigate
the risks to seafarers.”
Guy Platten, ICS Secretary General, concluded, “It is unacceptable that
seafarers are being exposed to such appalling dangers and we need the
authorities to take action now.”
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