MO has agreed to
move forward with prohibiting the carriage of fuel oil for use on board
ships, when it is not compliant with the new low sulfur limit, which
comes into force from 2020.
The 0.5% limit on sulfur in fuel oil on board ships (outside designated
ECAs, where the limit is 0.1%) will come into effect on 1st January,
To help ensure consistent implementation of this regulation, IMO’s
Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR), which met
between 5th-9th February, agreed draft amendments to MARPOL Annex VI to
prohibit the carriage of non-compliant fuel oil, such that the sulfur
content of any fuel oil used or carried for use on board ships shall not
exceed 0.5%.
The exception would be for ships fitted with an approved ‘equivalent
arrangement’ to meet the sulfur limit – such as an exhaust gas cleaning
system (EGCS), which are already allowed under regulation 4.1 of MARPOL
Annex VI.
These arrangements can be used with ‘heavy’ high sulfur fuel oil as an
EGCS cleans the emissions and therefore can be accepted as being at
least as effective at meeting the required sulfur limit.
Under regulation 3.2 of MARPOL Annex VI a ship undertaking trials for
ship emission reduction and control technology research can be exempted
by a signatory to Annex VI.
The Sub-Committee forwarded the proposed draft amendments to the MEPC
72 meeting in April, 2018, for urgent consideration. Once approved, the
draft amendments could be adopted at MEPC 73 (October, 2018) and could
enter into force on 1st March, 2020 - two months after the 0.5% limit
comes into effect.
The urgency of the matter was recognised to the extent that MEPC 72
will be requested to consider whether the output on ship implementation
planning for 2020 from the PPR inter-sessional meeting in July, 2018
should be forwarded to MEPC 73.
Consistent implementation of the 0.5% sulphur limit for all ships will
ensure a level playing field is maintained, with the result that the
expected improvement of the environment and human health will be
achieved, IMO said.
In addition, the IMO has been looking at how to measure and report on
Black Carbon emissions, as part of its work to consider the impact on
the Arctic of emissions.
The Sub-Committee agreed the reporting protocol for voluntary
measurement studies to collect Black Carbon data, as well as most
appropriate Black Carbon measurement methods for data collection.
The Sub-Committee encouraged member states and international
organisations to continue to collect Black Carbon data, using the agreed
reporting protocol and the agreed measurement methods, and submit
relevant data to the next session of the Sub-Committee.
PPR also agreed draft 2018 Guidelines for the discharge of exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR) bleed-off water, for submission to MEPC 73, with a
view to adoption.
Also agreed were draft amendments to the NOX Technical Code 2008
relating to certification requirements for selective catalytic reduction
(SCR) systems.
In addition, PPR considered matters relating to the implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention.
Draft guidance on system design limitations of BWMS and their
monitoring, was agreed, for submission to MEPC 73 with a view to
Meanwhile, the Sub-Committee invited submissions to the next session on
specific examples of contingency measures acceptable to port states and
implemented by the shipping industry, which could then be included in
an annex to the guidance on contingency measures under the BWM
Convention; and further submissions related to ports with challenging
water quality.
PPR agreed to draft Guidelines for the use of electronic record books
under MARPOL, for submission to MEPC 73 for consideration, with a view
to approval in principle and subsequent adoption at MEPC 74, in
conjunction with associated draft amendments to MARPOL and the NOX
Technical Code.
The Sub-Committee also completed its revision of the IBC Code, including revised product lists and index.
The revised chapters 17 (summary of minimum requirements), 18 (list of
products to which the code does not apply), 19 (index of products
carried in bulk) and 21 (criteria for assigning carriage requirements
for products subject to the IBC Code) and other amendments will be
forwarded to MEPC 73 and to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 100)
later this year for approval and subsequent adoption.
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