Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Total unit reveals Angola oil finds

Business Financial Newswire - Total's TEPA (Block 15/06) subsidiary and its partners have made two important oil discoveries at the Nzanza-1 and Cinguvu-1 wells in deep waters offshore Angola.

The Nzanza-1 and Cinguvu-1 wells were drilled in a water depth of 1,400 metres and reached a total depth of 3,008 metres and 3,023 metres respectively.

Both wells encountered oil pay in sands of Lower Miocene age with good reservoir characteristics.

During production tests, Nzanza-1 well produced an 18° API oil at rates above 1,600 barrels per day.

An analysis of the results indicates a potential for future production wells in excess of 5,000 b/d per well, when associated to artificial lift.

At the Cinguvu-1 well, the production test, limited by surface facilities, reached a flow of 6,400 b/d of a 23° API oil.

Story provided by Business Financial Newswire

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